Vehicle Messages
Messages displayed on the DIC indicate the status of the vehicle or some action
that may be needed to correct a condition. Multiple messages may display one after
the other.
The messages that do not require immediate action can be acknowledged and cleared
by pressing SET/CLR. The messages tha ...
Pictures can only be viewed using USB devices. If pictures are on an SD card,
transfer to a USB device or use a USB-SD adapter. File sizes above approximately
four mega pixels may not show. Only jpeg, bmp, gif, and png files are supported.
1. Press the Pictures screen button on the Home Page.
Pandora Internet Radio
Pandora® (if equipped) is a free Internet radio service that streams personalized
radio stations based on artists, songs, genres, and comedians. Create stations using
the Pandora website or smartphone application, then use
(thumbs up) or
(thumbs down) to personalize stations.
To set up an ...