Manual Folding Mirrors
The vehicle has manual folding mirrors. These mirrors can be folded inward to prevent damage when going through an automatic car wash. To fold, pull the mirror toward the vehicle. Push the mirror outward to return it to the original position.
Dome Lamps
The dome lamp controls are in the headliner.
(Dome Lamp Override): Press
to turn the lamps off, even when a door is open.
(Door): Press to turn the
lamps on automatically when a door is opened.
(On): Press to turn on the
dome lamps. ...
Tire Rotation
Tires should be rotated every 12 000 km (7,500 mi).
Tires are rotated to achieve a uniform wear for all tires. The first rotation
is the most important.
Anytime unusual wear is noticed, rotate the tires as soon as possible, check
for proper tire inflation pressure, and check for damaged tires ...
Inflatable Restraint Module Handling and Scrapping
Special Tools
EL-38826 SIR Deployment Harness
EL-39401-B SIR Deployment Fixture
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.
Live and Undeployed Inflator Module
Warning: Refer to SIR Inflator Module Handling and Storage Warning
in the Preface section.
Take special care when h ...