Chevrolet Cruze manuals

Chevrolet Cruze Repair Manual: Vehicle, Engine and Transmission ID and VIN Location, Derivative and Usage

Chevrolet Cruze Repair Manual / General Information / General Information / Vehicle, Engine and Transmission ID and VIN Location, Derivative and Usage

Note:: Graphic shows exemplary VIN.

Note:: Graphic shows exemplary VIN.

The VIN plate is the legal identifier of the vehicle. The VIN plate is located on the upper left corner of the instrument panel (I/P) and can be seen through the windshield from the outside of the vehicle:

Vehicle Certification, Tire Placard, Anti-Theft, and Service Parts ID Label

US English/Metric Conversion
Decimal and Metric Equivalents Arrows and Symbols This service manual uses various symbols in order to describe different service operations. Front of V ...

Vehicle Certification, Tire Placard, Anti-Theft, and Service Parts ID Label
Vehicle Certification Label The vehicle certification label is located on the driver door and displays the following assessments: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) Gross Axle Weight Rating ( ...

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