Note: According to different corrosion warranties, only the regional mandatory joining methods are allowed.
Vehicle, Engine and Transmission ID and VIN Location, Derivative and Usage
Note:: Graphic shows exemplary VIN.
The VIN plate is the legal identifier of the vehicle. The VIN plate is
located on the upper left corner of the instrument panel (I/P) and can
be seen through the windshield from the outside of the vehicle:
Installation Procedure
Drill 8 mm (5/16 in) for plug welding along the edges of the service
panel as noted from the original panel.
Clean and prepare the attaching surfaces for welding.
Position the roof rear header (1) panel on the vehicle.
Verify the fit of the panel.
Clamp the roof rear header ...
How To Indentify Plastic Parts
Plastic parts can be identified by the SAE code, which is usually found on
the rear of the part, and/or by the characteristics of the plastic.
Knowing the type of plastic aids in selecting the proper repair materials and in
selecting the proper repair procedure.
Look for the SAE code s ...