Door Locks
Unlocked doors can be dangerous.
• Passengers, especially children, can easily open the doors and fall out of
a moving vehicle. The chance of being thrown out of the vehicle in a crash is increased
if the doors are not locked. So, all passengers should wear safety belts properly
and ...
Driver Seat Frame Replacement
Removal Procedure
Remove front seat cushion cover (1) and pad (2) from frame (3). Refer to
Front Seat Cushion Cover and Pad Replacement
Remove the wire harness (1), if equipped.
Remove front seat back cushion cover (1) and pad (2) from frame (3).
Refer to Driver or ...
Engine Overheating
There is an engine coolant temperature gauge on the vehicle instrument cluster
to warn of engine overheating.
If the decision is made not to lift the hood when this warning appears, get service
help right away.
If the decision is made to lift the hood, make sure the vehicle is parked on
a le ...